Legal notice
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following is the identification data of the company that owns the domain: ‘’.
- Company Name: Mora Rosas, S.A
- CIF: A28054716
- Registered Office: Pedro i Pons, 9-11, 5è 4ª
- Telephone: 972 65 23 11
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- Registration data in the Mercantil
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Neither 'Mora Rosas, S.A' nor any other party involved in the creation, production or supply of this website will be responsible for damages, costs, losses or direct responsibilities nor indirect or punitive unforeseen events that may occur due to the access or use of this website. Web.
‘Mora Rosas, S.A’ does not guarantee the accuracy of the material contained in this website. Furthermore, ‘Mora Rosas, S.A’ will not be responsible for damages or viruses that may infect your computer or other property of yours due to the use or download access of any material on the web.
All the audiovisual material, registered trademarks or any element subject to intellectual or industrial property included in this website is the property of ‘Mora Rosas, S.A’ or has sufficient rights for its use. The reproduction of the aforementioned material is only allowed if it is for exclusively personal use, being prohibited any modification, copy, rental, loan, transmission and unauthorized diffusion.